Garden Towers, Makati
2011 - Construction A twin tower masterplan for AYALA Land Premier. Two premier grade residential towers and retail, located in Makati City – GFA 70,000m2, including 630 high-end apartments designed around a garden landscape area. Key features included skygardens and breezeways located every 4th level and operable sun rooms to the balconies. Client: ...

Mandani Bay Master Plan, Philippines
2014+ — Stage 1 Design 20 Hectare foreshore Master Plan located in Cebu, Philippines. GFA 1,200,000m2. Residential, Commercial, Park Land, Retail Shopping Centre, Foreshore Promenade and Car Parking. My role is Project/ Design Director, securing project, fee negotiation, design, coordination of documentation, workshop sessions in Cebu and presentations to the client. Client Hongkong Land ...

128 Nivel Hills, Philippines
2013-2014 — Construction Two multi-level Premier Grade residential towers located in Cebu, Philippines. GFA 71,000m2. 550 high end apartments, retail and car parking. My role was Project/ Design Director, securing project, fee negotiation, design, coordination of documentation, workshop sessions in Cebu and presentations to the client. Client Diamond Hiland Inc. Crone architects

Project MEGABLOCK, Philippines
2013-2014 — Under Construction Four tower, multi-level BPO commercial and retail development, Alabang, Philippines. GFA 175,000m2. Typical Floor Plate GFA 2,000m2. My role was Project/ Design Director, securing project, fee negotiation, coordination of documentation, workshop sessions in Manila and presentations to the client. Client Filinvest. Crone architects

Taft East Gate, Philippines
2013 — Under Construction Masterplan with 4 residential towers located in Cebu, Philippines. GFA 225,000m2. 4,000 mid-level grade apartments. My role was Project/ Design Director, securing project, fee negotiation, design, coordination of documentation, workshop sessions in Cebu and presentations to the client. Client TAFT Property Venture Capital. Crone architects

The Alcoves, Philippines
2014 — Design Development & Marketing Multi-level Premier Grade residential towers located in Cebu, Philippines. GFA 60,000m2. 460 high end apartments, retail and car parking. My role was Project/ Design Director, securing project, fee negotiation, design, coordination of documentation, workshop sessions in Cebu and Manila and presentations to the client. Client AYALA Land Premier. ...

Telstra Office Tower & Retail, Sydney
Telstra Office Tower & Retail 1996-1999 — Construction Complete Project cost $170 million. 30 level office tower. My roles included design and documentation of the facades for the tower and podium areas. I worked from concept design through to construction documentation. My primary focus was the design and documentation of the Sydney Arcade retail ...

Ernst & Young Centre, Sydney CBD
Ernst & Young Centre, Sydney CBD 2001-2004 — Construction Complete Project Cost including retail $270 million. 32 level A grade office tower. GFA 135,000m2. 4.5 Star NABERS rating. My role was Project Architect/ Designer of the facades for the tower and podium. The role included work on the change of use design competition for the ...

Arya Residences, Philippines
Two multi-level Premier Grade residential towers located at Fort Bonifacio Global City near Makati City. GFA 76,000m2. 640 Apartments. LEED Gold & BERDE sustainability ratings. My role was Project Director, securing project, fee negotiation, design, coordination of documentation, workshop sessions in Manila and presentations to the client in the Philippines. Client ArthaLand. ...

275 George Street, Brisbane
275 George Street, Brisbane 2006–2008 — Construction Complete Project Cost $140 Million. GFA 41,000m2. 33 level PCA “Grade A” office tower in Brisbane. 4.5 Star NABERS & 5 Star Green Star Design and As Built certification. My role was Project Architect and Façade Designer. My role changed to an advisory role directing the managing architect during Construction ...

Bankstown Central, Bankstown
2016+ — Planning Proposal & Concept DA Mixed-use masterplan project in Bankstown. The development includes residential, commercial, aged care, independant living units, education and innovation hub, student housing and hotel. My role was Project Principal, fee negotiation, design, strategies for maximising the sites potential, coordination of documentation and presentations to the client in ...

Mount Hagen Urban Master Plan Projects, Papua New Guinea
2010 — Tender Engaged by the Western Highlands Provincial Government to provide Master Plans for the Mount Hagen City Precinct, Airport Precinct, Sports Precinct and a number of key Infrastructure Projects. Total GFA 160,000m2. Crone Partners were Lead Consultant engaging all consultants and managing the process. The Mount Hagen City Precinct included ...

One Serendra, Makati City Philippines
One Serendra, Makati City Philippines 2006 — Construction Complete Two multi-level residential towers located in the Philippines. The towers are 48 and 52 levels located in Fort Bonifacio Global City. GFA 90,000m2. Total of 600 apartments including a “Garden Bridge” residential building spanning between the 2 towers. My involvement was design and management of the project ...

100 South Creek Road, Cromer
2016+ — Planning Proposal Concept Concept Design to change the LEP from commercial to residential use. Apartment buildings and townhouses designed around significant trees on the site to be retained. My role was Project Principal, coordination of design team, site strategy options, fee negotiations and presentations to the client. Client EG Funds ...